Leading volunteers is often the most pressing need for children’s ministry leaders. Recruiting, training, affirming, managing, or even firing kidmin helpers is lots of work. But we have you covered with 25 articles from top children’s ministry professionals. Dive in and gain insight for your church’s program.
25 Resources for Leading Volunteers
21 Questions to Ask Those You Lead by Kathie Philips
Effective communication is vital in leading others. It’s also vital to the health, growth and success of ministry. Good communication also develops trust between leaders and those they care for. To engage someone in conversation, you must be intentional about setting both parties up for success. Use these questions to start those important conversations.
7 Proven Insights for Leading Volunteers by Stephen Brewster
Next, we must remember we’re representing not just ourselves but our organizations and all they stand for. So we must treat volunteers and their time with lots of respect.
11 Keys to Effectively Leading Volunteers by Dale Hudson
The Bible reminds us in Matthew 23 that effective leadership comes from serving others. Great leadership is measured not by how many people are serving you but by how many people you’re serving.
Leading Your Kidmin Volunteers Well by Sam Luce
We neglect the most important question that’s found deep within our volunteers’ minds: Why? Why do we do what we do? We may be wondering how to get something done, but they’re wondering why they’re doing it.
11 Ways to Retain Volunteers in Your Ministry by Greg Baird
Sometimes it seems like we have a revolving door with volunteers, with many coming and going all the time. How do we stop that? In some cases, it will just happen. But in most cases, volunteers leave because of some dissatisfaction—or lack of satisfaction—with their involvement.
Tips for Leading Older, and Often Wiser, People by Ron Edmondson
Your leadership will improve if you learn how to lead people older—and wiser—than you. Don’t be afraid to recruit senior helpers!
4 Ways to Better Communicate With Volunteers by Church Fuel
Although emails have their place, you can use other tools to effectively engage with volunteers. Learn more by reading this helpful article.
Helping Volunteers Win in 3 Seconds or Less by Dale Hudson
One of the best ways to set volunteers up for success is clearly defining what success looks like for their role. Here’s how.
13 Ways to Train Volunteers in Your Children’s Ministry by Greg Baird
Next to recruiting volunteers, training is perhaps the most challenging element of children’s ministry leadership. But our real job is to equip God’s people to do the work of ministry (Ephesians 4:12).
Sexual Misconduct, Allegations and Leading in KidMin by Jenny Funderburke Smith
Sexual sin is real and can be destructive to others. Here are five ways we can better protect those God has put in our care.
3 Things That Keep People From Leading in Your Church by Church Fuel
A lack of leaders is the visible problem, but we want to address the root cause. After all, if you simply put a bandage on the symptom, you’ll never truly experience a healthy, growing church.
4 Keys to Keeping Your Volunteers Excited to Serve by Dale Hudson
One of your most important tasks is making sure you identify and curb any underlying issues that cause excitement to wane. If a volunteer’s excitement level dips too low, he or she will quit. With the right tools in your belt, you can keep excitement levels high.
Volunteer Quotes: 20 Nuggets to Inspire Your KidMin Helpers by Dale Hudson
Include one of these inspiring quotes in a thank-you card to your children’s ministry volunteers.
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