2 High-Energy Elementary and Preteen Ministry Games


Looking for two high-energy games for your elementary and preteen ministries? Check out these two ministry games!

2 High-Energy Elementary and Preteen Ministry Games

High-Energy Clothespin Tag

Clothespin tag is a fun and active game designed to help kids release energy and get to know their brothers and sisters in Christ even better.

You’ll need:

  • 5 clothespins for each child

Give children five clothespins each. Then have them attach the clothespins to their sleeves or the backs of their shirts. Avoid attaching clothespins to fronts of clothing or below the waist.

Play this game similar to Tag but with this rule: The children must take other children’s clothespins and attach them to their own clothing. Every child can take clothespins from any other child. Play until at least a few people are out of clothespins.

High-Energy Grape Stomp

Kids will love playing this Grape Stomp Bible game that simulates the common practice of crushing grapes to make juice at harvest time.

You’ll Need:

  • yarn
  • scissors
  • a stopwatch
  • purple balloons

Have kids each inflate a balloon and tie one end of a piece of yarn to the balloon and the other end securely around one ankle. When you give the signal, time kids as they work together to stomp everyone’s “grapes.” Then have kids each inflate another balloon to try again. Before you give the signal, let kids discuss strategies for beating their first time.

When all the grapes are popped the second time, have kids discuss how working together helped. Read aloud Galatians 6:2-3 and discuss ways kids can help each other throughout the year.

For even more game ideas, check out Group’s The Giant Book of Games for Children’s MinistryIn this book, you’ll find over 200 games designed to deepen kids’ understanding of a Bible point or concept through unexpected experiences. Want more articles for children’s ministry leaders? Check these out. And for even more ideas for your children’s ministry and daily posts of inspiration, follow us on Facebook!

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