16 Tips for Recruiting Children’s Ministry Volunteers



Volunteers are essential for every children’s ministry program, but finding them can seem intimidating. Recruiting children’s ministry volunteers who genuinely want to serve kids and teach them about Christ’s love isn’t as difficult as it seems, though. Successful recruitment starts with the right attitude.

By successfully recruiting children’s ministry volunteers, you’re helping people find a place to serve at church. Now that’s an exciting endeavor!

Try these 16 ideas for recruiting children’s ministry volunteers:

1. Start with prayer.

Pray for the volunteers God wants you to approach about serving. Also ask potential leaders to pray about serving.

2. Create a vision statement.

The goal is to inspire and inform potential—and current—leaders. Include the ministry’s purpose, philosophy and expectations.

3. Plant seeds.

Celebrate current leaders in front of the congregation, parents and kids. Express lots of appreciation for volunteers, and specify the impact people are having. As a result, others may want to get involved too.

4. Elevate the role.

Make sure kids know that serving in children’s ministry is a wonderful opportunity. That way, they’ll look forward to serving when they’re old enough. Then recruit them! Teens make excellent assistants too. Serving in ministry gives them opportunities to practice leadership skills.

5. Look beyond parents.

Although parents make great leaders, other positive role models are available. For example, seniors have more discretionary time and can contribute skills and experience. Singles often want deeper connections to the church, and involvement with a team of leaders is appealing. How about young couples and empty-nesters? Couples are often eager to serve together.

6. Consider grads.

How many church members and young people once belonged to the children’s ministry? Set out to find them. They may be happy to give back!

7. Get referrals.

Encourage outgoing leaders to recommend other people who might step in and fill their shoes.

8. Try social media.

Put your children’s ministry on Facebook or Twitter. Invite leaders, pastoral staff, parents and others to become fans. Their “friends” will see they’re involved in your ministry and may want to investigate. This is especially true if your ministry pops up as a suggestion online.


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