The majority of evangelical Christians cast their ballot for Donald Trump, with more than 80 percent of white Evangelicals voting him into office.
What is it about Trump’s promise that evangelicals found so appealing?
“Hillary Clinton was so frightening to so many people,” says Eric Metaxas, author of the best-selling book, If You Can Keep It: The Forgotten Promise of American Liberty. “The Christian faith is about grace and forgiveness more than it is about moralism.”
“There has never been a racial divide like this in the churches,” says Jim Wallis, the president of Sojourners, a Christian social justice organisation. “Black evangelicals, Hispanic evangelicals … did not vote for Donald Trump, so white evangelicals did – I think because they’re more white than evangelical.”
In this week’s Arena, former Barack Obama and George W Bush spiritual adviser Jim Wallis debates with Christian radio host and Trump supporter Eric Metaxas on the reasons behind evangelical faith in Trump.
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