“Compassion Camp: What Every Living Thing Needs” by Illustrated Ministry is a forthcoming Vacation Bible School and summer camp curriculum for 2023. Because the complete curriculum and samples have not yet been released as of this article’s publication date, we at Building Faith cannot offer a full review of this program. However, based on the information currently available from the publisher, this new third edition of Compassion Camp looks theologically promising in its focus on creation care.
A lyric video from the curriculum:
The Basics
- Theme: Practicing compassion for all living things and caring for creation with God
- Website: http://www.illustratedministry.com/vbs/ (info guide and mailing list sign-up about curriculum release also available at this link)
- Publisher: Illustrated Ministry (forthcoming Apr 2023)
- Church affiliation: independent
- Intended ages/grades: preschool, K – 5; options for youth and intergenerational program
- Format: TBD (previous editions of Compassion Camp included onsite, online, and hybrid format options)
- Number of sessions: 5
- Types of activities: music, Bible storytelling, crafts, coloring, movement, cooperative games
- Starter kit cost: sliding scale based on church attendance – $249.99 for full kit for 1 – 100 members; $299.99 for 101 – 500; $399.99 for 500+
Scope and Sequence
- Day 1: Every Living Thing Needs Shelter | Psalm 104 with additional scriptures about shelter, Shelter Protects Life
- Day 2: Every Living Thing Needs Food | Psalm 104 with additional scriptures about food, Food Energizes Life
- Day 3: Every Living Thing Needs Water | Psalm 104 with additional scriptures about water, Water Hydrates Life
- Day 4: Every Living Thing Needs Air | Psalm 104 with additional scriptures about air, Air Sustains Life
- Day 5: Every Living Thing Needs Community | Psalm 104 with additional scriptures about community, Community Produces Life
Please Note: The sample material for this curriculum is now available as of Tuesday, March 21, 2023 at this link: https://www.illustratedministry.com/vbs/
Editor’s Note: This article was originally published on March 13, 2023. It has been updated on March 22, 2023 to provide the above note and link to newly released sample material.
Featured image is by Philip Brown on Unsplash
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