Training Meeting for Special Needs Ministry Teachers


Use this teacher training meeting to train your Sunday school teachers for helping children with special needs or learning disabilities.

1. Tough Act

Form three groups. Give each teacher in the first group two cotton balls and have them each place the cotton balls in their ears. Then give each teacher in the second group a jump-rope and have them each jump rope. Give each teacher in the third group a printed copy of this article and have them lay the article on the floor and stand up straight as they read it.

As groups perform their activities, talk about the article. After five minutes, have everyone stop.


  • How did you feel during this activity? Was it easy or difficult was it to listen to me?
  • How do you think your feelings might be similar to or different from the feelings a child with a learning disability might have?
  • How have you felt when you’ve had a child in your class who had a learning disability?

Say: Today we’re going to talk about helping kids with learning disabilities.

2. Act Out

Have teachers choose one of four groups to join:

  • auditory processing or hearing problems
  • reading and language delays
  • Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder or memory problems
  • sensory motor difficulties

Teachers should join the group with the disability they most want to learn about.

After groups are formed, have teachers read about their group’s learning disability in the “How to Recognize Kids With Special Learning Needs” article. Have groups each create a role-play where a child displays symptoms of the learning disability and the teacher responds appropriately. When groups are ready, have each group present its role-play. Encourage teachers to ask questions about each disability.

3. Jesus-Style Ministry

Give each group a Bible, a sheet of paper and a pencil. Have each group read aloud Matthew 20:30-34. Then have them each answer these questions:

  • What did the two men with a disability desire?
  • Why do you think the other people treated them the way they did?
  • How did Jesus treat the two men who were blind?
  • What can we learn from Jesus that will help us in dealing with children with learning disabilities?

4. Action Plan

Summarize the Teaching Kids With Special Learning Needs section for teachers. Then brainstorm together an action plan for what teachers can do if they suspect a learning disability. Consider these elements in your action plan:

  • How will a child’s symptoms be documented—if at all?
  • Who needs to be notified first?
  • What role will confidentiality have?
  • What action will be taken?
  • How can the child be affirmed through the process?

Encourage teachers to consult with you after the meeting if they’re concerned about a child who may have a learning disability. Also, if teachers want to know more about learning disabilities, invite a special education teacher to your next meeting. Or recommend Children’s Ministry Pocket Guide to Special Needs.

Want more articles regarding children with special needs? Check out these posts

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