Today Bible Verse in Tamil I Today Bible Verse I Today’s Bible Verse I Bible Verse Today I26.07.2023
ENGLISH VERSION: Today’s Bible Verse (26.07.2023):
To bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron; (PSALM 149:8 KJV)
I greet you in the mighty name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. “In their mouth shall be the praise of the Lord, and in their hand shall be a two-edged sword.” Let us meditate on the verse (Psalm 149:8).
Animals can tame kings and greatness through chanting. There are many enemies that you have to build and tame. While disease, curse, dark power are enemies, the last enemy to be treated is death. It is only by praising God that these enemies can be defeated.
Praising the Lord is a sweet spring welling up with gratitude from the depths of the soul. Those who praise the Lord throughout their life on earth will praise the Lord at the time of death and will enter the Canaan of pleasure. They will inherit a glorious eternal home.
What you are when you live on this earth, you will manifest at the time of death. If you always praise the Lord with all your heart while living on earth, you will praise the Lord with gratitude even at the time of death. If you do not praise the Lord on earth, but at the time of death, if you think of artificially praising the Lord somehow, you may not be able to do it. So get into the habit of praising God right now. Become a hero of praise now.
David and many others wrote the 150 psalms in the Bible. They have written these songs from their personal experience, pouring out their inner feelings. In some psalms, “Why art thou silent?” And “My enemies have multiplied. My heart is troubled. Willing to help. It is also written that the fangs of enemies will be crushed. There are many supplications, requests and prayers in these.
But when we come to the end of the psalms, we find David praising the Lord with all his heart. All his attention turned to the Lord. He does not stop at praising himself, but looks at all the creatures and tells them to praise the Lord. Psalm 150, the last psalm in the book, says ‘Praise the Lord’ in every verse. The last verse of this book contains the words, “Praise the Lord with all your breath (Hallelujah).”
Beloved, your life should not end in grumbling and questioning the Lord, but in praising Him. The entrance ticket to heaven is in praising the Lord. Lift up your hands for a little while each day and praise the Lord with deliverance. Praise the Lord for all the good things He has done. The heavenly home is the glorious home of praise. Praise the Lord and lift him up.
Dear Savior! May I also realize how pleasant praise is and give me the grace to beware of it in any situation. Change all the shortcomings in my life and give me the grace from today to be careful and careful in praising you like the psalmist David. Help me from this day to experience the experience of always praising You like David from the depths of my soul and thereby feel Your presence. Give me a heart that always praises You for everything. I thank you for all the blessings you have done in my life. You have been with me, and how wonderfully you have guided my life. So teach me to be careful in praising You with all my heart. Give me a heart that always praises You for everything. Today I am determined to praise You and to glorify You by telling of Your glorious things. Bless me specially from today. I pray in Jesus name Good Father, Amen!
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