Shine the Light of Jesus’ Love!


Share this children’s message with kids to encourage them to shine bright with the light of Jesus’ love each and every day.

Scripture: Matthew 5:15-16

You’ll need:

  • Bible
  • small lamp with lampshade
  • several small flashlights


Turn off all the lights and have a small lamp with a lampshade lit in the middle of the room.

Put Your Light on a Stand

Have children sit around the lamp. You should have just enough light to read. Open your Bible to Matthew 5:15-16. Show children the words and tell them the Bible is God’s special book. Read the passage aloud.

Say: We all have a light inside of us—it’s Jesus’ love.

Have kids get into small groups, and hand out a flashlight to each group.

Say: Now turn on your flashlights and cover them with your hands. As God’s children, we can share Jesus’ love with everyone and never hide it.

Switch off the lamp so the room is in darkness.

Say: The world can feel like a dark place. It needs the light of Jesus’ love. And we get to share it!

Switch the lamp back on.

Say: When we share our love for Jesus fully with everyone and shine brightly for all to see, the light of our love fills the room and the world.


  • What’s one way you can shine Jesus’ light fully like it’s on a pedestal or a stand?
  • How do you think shining Jesus’ love can impact others?

Say: There’s a lot of darkness in the world, but we can shine a light by showing Jesus’ love each and every day.

Flashlight Prayers

Still in their small groups, have kids turn on their flashlights but cover them with their hands.

Say: Dear God, help us to shine our lights brightly so the world will know and experience Jesus’ love. In Jesus’ name, amen.

This children’s message comes from The Giant Book of Children’s Messages. This resource is filled with more than 100 sermons to encourage kids to explore their faith and praise God. Looking for more ideas? Check out these posts.

© Group Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. No unauthorized use or duplication permitted.


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