Psalm 64

Deliverance from cunning
and malicious enemies
For the director of music. A psalm of David.
God, hear me as I tell you my problem.
Don’t let my enemies kill me.
2 Hide me from those who make evil plans against me.
Hide me from that crowd of people who are doing evil.
3 They make their tongues like sharp swords.
They aim their words like deadly arrows.
4 They shoot from their hiding places at people who aren’t guilty of doing anything wrong.
They shoot quickly. They aren’t afraid of being caught.
5 They help each other make evil plans.
They talk about hiding their traps.
They say, “Who can see what we are doing?”
6 They make plans to do what is evil.
They say, “We have thought up a perfect plan!”
The hearts and minds of people are so clever!
7 But God will shoot my enemies with his arrows.
He will suddenly strike them down.
8 He will turn their own words against them.
He will destroy them.
All those who see them will shake their heads
and look down on them.
9 Everyone will respect God.
They will tell about his works.
They will think about what he has done.
10 Let godly people be full of joy because of what the Lord has done.
Let them go to him for safety.
Let all those whose hearts are honest praise him.
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