


#1. When asked if he was the Christ, Jesus said, “I am” to who?

#2. When Jesus healed a deaf man, he spoke the Aramaic word “Ephphatha”, what is the meaning of that word?

#3. When Jesus healed a deaf man, he spoke the Aramaic word “Ephphatha”, what is the meaning of that word?

#4. Whom did Jesus refer to as the “sons of thunder?”

#5. The woman with the issue of blood had it for how long before she was healed by touching the garment of Jesus?

#6. What was the name of the disciple that betrayed Christ?

#7. On hearing the Pharisees asking, why Jesus as eating with the sinners. Jesus replied, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but __?”.

#8. Heaven and earth will pass away, but __?__ will not pass away.

#9. How many robbers were crucified with Jesus?

#10. How many loaves of bread did Jesus use to feed about 4000 people that followed Him?

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