Memorial Day Sunday School Lesson: We Remember & Honor


Memorial Day Sunday school lesson

Use this Memorial Day Sunday school lesson to help elementary-age children understand and honor people who’ve served.

Memorial Day Sunday School Lesson

1. Shhh

Usher children quietly into a darkened classroom. Keep lights off and windows covered.

Whisper: In some parts of the world, going to church is against the law. People who want to learn about God meet secretly.


  • What do you think that’s like? Are we being quiet enough to avoid being arrested?

Quietly, say: This week we’re celebrating Memorial Day. This is a holiday when we remember people who died fighting in wars to protect our country and our freedom. We’re free to worship God here, so there’s no reason to be quiet.

Turn on the lights and sing a loud song.

2. Rooms in Heaven


  • Has someone you love ever died? We feel sad when we miss them. If these people believed in Jesus, they’re in heaven.

Read aloud John 14:1-3.


  • What do you think heaven’s like? How do you think Jesus prepared those rooms?

Say: Let’s create a picture of what we think heaven’s like.

Tape newsprint to a wall and provide art supplies to create a mural of heaven. Let children create the rooms they’d like for themselves or for loved ones already in heaven. Talk about the people in heaven now. Explain that while we miss them, we can be happy they’re in a wonderful place.


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