Knowing how to share the gospel with kids must be a focal point of our ministries. At church, the good news of Jesus should be central to everything we do. Yet sometimes we focus on so many other things—the kidmin environment, safety, recruiting volunteers, teaching methods, and more. Yes, all these are good and necessary. But unless we’re regularly sharing the gospel with kids, we fail in children’s ministry.
Sometimes we, or the people in our programs, simply don’t know the best approach for how to share the gospel with kids. Other times, people feel overwhelmed or intimidated. Evangelism takes practice, but these three tips make it easier.
How to Share the Gospel With Kids: 3 Tips
1. Keep it simple.
First, remember that the gospel really is simple. So avoid the tendency to make it complicated.
2. Stay focused.
Next, know that it’s really easy to run down rabbit trails. Plus, kids themselves often provide opportunities to digress. But the gospel is too important for us to get distracted.
3. Learn and practice a technique you feel comfortable with.
You can share the gospel with kids in numerous ways. Use tracts, the Wordless book, the Romans Road, Evangicube for kids, or other resources. They’re all effective. So just learn one and use it!
A 10-Word Approach to Child Evangelism
(Okay, you’ll use more than 10 words. But only 10 are important to remember.)
God Loves (Hold hands together outstretched in front of you.)
- God loves us and wants to have a relationship with us.
- Great news: God wants us to be part of His family and live with Him forever in heaven!
We Sin (Move left hand outstretched to side. Right hand remains outstretched in front of you.)
- But we sin (“doing anything God doesn’t want us to do”).
- The punishment for sin is death (separation from God…broken relationship).
Jesus Died (Stretch out both hands to the sides.)
- Jesus took our punishment for us by dying on the cross.
- It’s like your brother or sister taking a timeout or consequence for you.
God Forgives (Move right hand back to be outstretched in front. Left hand remains outstretched to side.)
- Because Jesus died for us, our sins can be forgiven.
- The Bible calls this a gift (forgiveness and the opportunity to have a relationship with God).
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