How Does Social Interaction Correlate with the Rate of Life Expectancy?


“Marriage is a byproduct of our relationship with Jesus, and at the same time, the way we parent is foundational to understanding what it means to have a relationship with God.” Dr. Dewey Wilson

Dewey Wilson, Ph.D., is the founder and CEO of Strong Marriages. Dr. Wilson Co-Authored The Relationally Intelligent Child and contributed to Focus on the Family’s book, The Best Advice on Marriage. He has also written many books and workbooks for his organization, including Devoted, I Promise, and the series Doing Life Together. Dr. Wilson is passionate about helping adults and children acquire healthy social interactions and form meaningful relationships in their lives.

Key Takeaways:
  • Strong Marriages is an umbrella organization to the company Marriage Mentors; they work with other churches to train couples to mentor other couples struggling in their marriage through Biblical principles and meaningful relationships.
  • Shocking statistics show how the lack of social interaction (relational intelligence) directly correlates with the life expectancy rate.
  • Every person is born with a unique personality that determines how you tend to connect and interact with others. The Connect Assessment helps you understand your personality better to be able to form healthy relationships.
  • Five key elements that can engage and equip your child with skills to be relationally intelligent (socially interactive): secure attachment, exploring their world, unwavering resilience, wise decision making, and the future focus service of others.
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