Free Preschool Sunday School Lesson


A fun and creative lesson to help preschoolers shine the light on Halloween in your preschool Sunday school classes. Find more great Sunday school lessons to help kids grow in their faith.

Preschool Halloween Sunday School Lesson: Shine the Light

1. Let’s Pretend

Have the preschool kids put on animal costumes and pretend to be animals. Lead the children on a parade around your classroom. Prerecorded march music is optional but sure adds to the fun. March the children into the story area and sit in a circle. If you have time, choose different animals and have another parade.

2. Special Creations

You’ll need:

Say: It’s fun to pretend to be animals. Let’s play a game about animals and plants. I’ll call out names of animals and plants. If I name an animal, hop. If I name a plant, flap your arms.

Call out the following names, pausing between each one: dog, flower, monkey, bush, squirrel, tree, and cow.

Say: The Bible tells us that God made all the animals and plants.

Read aloud Genesis 1:11-12, 20-21 in an easy-to-understand translation.

Say: Who made the world? Who made the animals? Who made you? On Halloween, we can celebrate God’s wonderful creation by dressing up as things that God made.

3. I Spy

You’ll need:

  • card stock
  • scissors (for older children)
  • markers
  • overhead transparencies
  • glue sticks

Before the lesson, make a pattern for glasses and cut out one pair for each child from card stock (older children can cut out their own glasses). Also cut out “lenses” from overhead transparencies for each child.

Say: Let’s make dress-up glasses so we can see all the things that God made. Help children glue their lenses to their glasses, and allow kids to decorate the glasses with markers. Have children put on their glasses and play a game of I Spy. Describe things you see that God made, and have kids guess what they are. For example, say: I see something tall with leaves that God made.

4. Closing Prayer

Thank you, God, for creating us and our eyes to see the wonderful world. And thank you for the fun we can have by pretending, not only at Halloween, but all year long. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Want more Halloween ideas? Check out these articles!

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