
How to Raise a Woman Who Is Resilient Against Toxic Teachings & Abuse
[ad_1] “When we teach girls that they are at least partially responsible for boys’ sin, they’re far more likely to marry an abuser because we’re teaching them it is normal for boys to lust after you and treat you badly.”...
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MOMents with Lori & Lee Ann- How to Provide Emotional Safety for Your Children
[ad_1] “We want our kids to feel safe. We want our kids to feel secure. We want our kids to feel loved.” -Lori Wildenberg. Once a month, Lori and Lee Ann will discuss complex topics regarding parenting and disciplining. Lori...
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Digging Deeper w/ Rhonda, Michelle and Lee Ann – Raising Grandkids in Faith
[ad_1] “So, making digging comments about, ‘I wish your dad would take you to church. I wish your mom would let me take you to church,’ all those things are going to divide you from that that adult child that...
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Comprehensive Overview of Truth 78 Resources and Books w/ Sally Michael
[ad_1] “Our vision is that the next generations may know, honor and treasure God, setting their hope in Christ alone so they may live as faithful disciples for the glory of God.” -Sally Michael. Sally Michael is a co-founder of...
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What To Say When Your Child Asks You If Miracles Are Real
[ad_1] Did you know that there are approximately 180 miracles throughout the Bible? Essentially, a miracle is known to be an event that cannot be explained by natural or scientific laws and is considered to be the work of God....
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Latest on the Ark Encounter, Creation Museum, & Answers in Genesis w/ Ken Ham
[ad_1] “All over the world, people have heard of Noah’s Ark because there are flood legends and cultures all over the world, and we’ve got all these different Noah’s Arks that are from all these different cultures around the world.”...
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Looking For a New Book to Help Teach Your Child About the Gospel? W/ Jared Kennedy
[ad_1] “When we teach them the basic narratives of what the Bible says, we are forming their worldview at the very youngest age and giving them a set of glasses through which they can look at the world for the...
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MOPS International: Equipping & Empowering Moms of All Ages w/ Jesus at the Front
[ad_1] “MOPS has done a really good job in making women and mothers the best leaders and the best volunteers for their community. So, I will say community with peer-to-peer connection, spiritual growth, and leadership growth are the three main...
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Mental Health Coach Michelle Nietert: Emotional Awareness & Calming Techniques
[ad_1] “I really want, when my children are failing, to know that it’s not about me and my anger, but it is about them and their need for growth. And I do believe in consequences, but I believe in consequences...
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Michelle Nietert & Mental Health: Understanding and Addressing Children’s Big Emotions
[ad_1] “It only takes about 90 seconds to acknowledge a feeling, where you feel it in your body, and then do a technique to release it.” – Michelle Nietert. Licensed Professional Counselor of 25 years, Michelle Nietert is the best-selling...
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