A Prayer to Remember Those Less Fortunate
By Laura Bailey
“Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done.” – Proverbs 19:17 NIV
My family has supported a little girl from Ghana for nearly ten years. Pregnant with my first child, my heart was immediately pricked when I saw the pictures flash on the screen of children in dire situations– I knew I needed to take action and sponsor a child.
The Lord has graciously blessed my family with two more children since that day, and while our family grew, along with our expenses, my husband and I agreed that no matter what, we would honor our commitment to our “child” abroad. However, in recent years, especially in the last few months, that promise has been harder to keep; oftentimes, we’ve debated pausing or withdrawing from the sponsorship program.
A few days ago, we received a letter informing us that with the cost of food, and the continual increase of inflation, our monthly gift was no longer meeting our child’s needs. They gently requested that we increase our donation so that they could continue to give our child the same amount of care she’d received in past years. My daughter, reading over my shoulder, said, “But if we give more money to her, then what about us? How will we eat?”
My daughter, barely seven years old, has never had to go without food, clothes, or shelter. She has never experienced wondering where her next meal would come from or worried that her mom and dad might not return or had to work all day just to stay alive. Her question didn’t have a malice or greed undertone, but still, the Holy Spirit used it to prick my heart.
How often do I say no to helping others because it causes discomfort financially or physically?
I leave the blank line on the sign-up sheet to help do yard work for our shut-ins because Saturdays are my days to sleep in.
I struggled to write the tithe check because we could take another trip or buy new furniture with that money.
I pass on giving money to someone I know is in need because that would cause me to go without it.
I am not suggesting that we give away our whole paychecks, sacrifice all our free time, or participate in every opportunity to help someone. But, for most of us, we could do more, give more, and love more on those less fortunate. The Lord calls us to live a life of self-denial, sacrificing for others, and trusting that God will provide. We abandon the scarcity mindset and instead share the gifts the Lord has lavished upon us abundantly.
It is not always easy to remember those less fortunate, especially when we ourselves are experiencing seasons of financial strain, physical exhaustion, and spiritual burnout. But friend, remember these words from Jesus in Matthew 25:40, “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.” We aren’t simply helping those in need; we are serving the Lord himself.
Let’s Pray:
Heavenly Father, thank you for the numerous blessings you have bestowed on our lives. We are grateful for the opportunity to wake up each morning and serve You. Please help us remember the many ways You have constantly provided for us, physically and spiritually. We could never repay You for the outpouring of Your grace and mercy, but let us remember how You’ve lavished us with love as we share our resources with others.
Lord, we lift up the many needs of our communities near and far; they are too many to count. But, You know each and everyone one, and we lay them at Your feet. We ask that You give us hearts open to sharing our time and resources to help those less fortunate; remember that what we do for them is ultimately doing for You. We ask that we dig deeper into our pockets, open our homes, and serve others out of a genuine desire to honor You. We pray that we would live such faithful lives that if You called us to “sell everything and follow You,” we would. Help us remember that nothing material in this world is eternal; only the gift of salvation You provided freely to Your children.
It is not always easy to remember those less fortunate, especially when we ourselves are experiencing seasons of financial strain, physical exhaustion, and spiritual burnout. But friend, remember these words from Jesus in Matthew 25:40, “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.” We aren’t simply helping those in need; we are serving the Lord himself.
We love you, Lord. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/Highwaystarz-Photography

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