A Prayer for Durable Joy
By Ashley Moore
“Our hearts ache, but we always have joy. We are poor, but we give spiritual riches to others. We own nothing, and yet we have everything.” – 2 Corinthians 6:10 NLT
Joy is a radical concept in the Bible. Difficult circumstances accompany many verses about joy. The Bible tells us to rejoice when we suffer (Romans 5:3) And to consider it joy when we face trials (James 1:2). The Bible says to be glad when we are persecuted because we will be rewarded in heaven (Matthew 5:12). And to greatly rejoice when we experience bouts of grief (1 Peter 1:6). This concept confuses most of us because we equate joy with happiness. Happiness is a fleeting emotion completely dependent on our experience or circumstances. For example, I feel happy when it is my birthday, but then I don’t feel as happy the next day. Or I feel happy when I win a game, but when another player wins in the next round, my happiness is squelched.
But joy is not a feeling, and it is not fleeting. Joy is not dependent on favorable circumstances. If anything, the Scriptures insinuate the opposite. The more unpleasant our circumstances are, the greater the opportunity to experience joy. Joy, unlike our fleeting feelings, is durable. Joy persists despite hardship. Joy propels us to endure despite extreme difficulties. Joy is never-ending and ever-present. When Jesus endured the heinous suffering of the cross, He was empowered to do so because of joy.
“…because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne.” – Hebrews 12:2
Joy is durable because it is found in the presence of God, not in the absence of struggles.
“You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” – Psalm 16:11
Today if you’re facing unfavorable circumstances, acknowledge and experience the durability of the joy made possible by Christ. I hope you understand that joy is always available in difficulties and despite hardships. Our hearts may ache, but we will always have joy because of our relationship with Christ (2 Corinthians 6:10).
Let’s pray:
Dear Lord,
I don’t know what my brother or sister in Christ listening or reading this message is experiencing right now, Lord. They may face the deepest heartache or the most ravenous trial or difficulty of their life. Lord, I don’t know the details, but you do. You see them struggling. And not only are you carefully watching over them, but you suffered just like them. You were despised. You were mocked. You were rejected. You were hated and spit upon. You were jeered at and insulted. You were beaten and shamed. You were stripped of your dignity. You suffered for our sake. You were wrongly punished for our shortcomings and sin, Lord. You deeply and compassionately understand my friend’s suffering. And you endured your suffering by thinking about the joy of being with us in heaven for all eternity, where there would be no more sadness and no more sin.
This joy was you thinking of perfected relationships with your children and between your children for all eternity. That is an unshakeable and sure source of joy. That is secure joy. That is durable joy, made available to us right now. The seal of Your Holy Spirit ensures that joy. God, thank you for suffering so we can be eternally joyful. Thank You that nothing can take our joy in this life or the next if we are in You, Jesus. Let my brother and sisters listening or reading along immediately notice and rejoice in this truth. Comfort them and care for them through this trial. Remind them of the gospel and bring others along to redirect their thoughts to this truth with love and grace. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Photo Credit: © Pexels/Leah Kelley
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