Father’s Day Snack for Sunday School: Honoring Our Dads


Father's Day
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Check out this yummy snack for Father’s Day! Use it in Sunday school classes or for a church event to honor men. Kids will enjoy eating a snack and discussing how special God and their fathers are.

In this activity, kids eat a yummy Father’s Day snack. It helps them understand how special fathers are—including our heavenly Father.

Father’s Day Snack

Scripture: Genesis 17:4Matthew 6:9Romans 8:15-16

You’ll need:

  • Bible
  • Chex Mix snack mix
  • Starburst candies
  • wafer cookies
  • frosting
  • plastic knives

Allergy Alert:

Some children have food allergies that can be dangerous. Know your students, and consult with parents about any allergies. Also read food labels carefully. Hidden ingredients can cause allergy-related problems.

Dads in the Bible

Say: Father’s Day is a time to celebrate the dads in our lives and to remember God, too. Did you know more than 1,000 Bible verses talk about fathers? We’ll look at three of them and eat a snack that helps us understand each one.

The first Bible verse is from the Old Testament. God tells Abraham he has big plans for him. Invite a child to read Genesis 17:4. Hand out Chex Mix. Chex Mix has many different kinds of ingredients. That reminds us of the many children Abraham had. Just think: Some of us might be Abraham’s great-great-great-great-great-times-a-million-grandchild! Let kids eat their Chex Mix.


  • What’s something special about your grandpa or great-grandpa?

Abba Father

Say: Here’s another Bible verse, where Jesus teaches us how to pray. Read Matthew 6:9. When Jesus taught his followers to pray, he started by calling God “Our Father.” And Jesus recognized that God was our Father in heaven. Distribute Starburst candies. Starburst candies remind us of stars in the sky, which help us remember how big and amazing God is. Let kids eat their candies.


  • Tell about one way God has shown you how big he is.


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