I had no idea so many people felt so alone and discouraged in children’s ministry until I started scrolling through a KidMin Facebook feed. Wow! Our children are the future of God’s church, yet church workers feel discouraged in this incredible work. Training up kids in the Lord is a calling, a gift. So it’s sad to hear that many leaders feel down about it.
What’s causing this? My guess is not enough support or encouragement from others. But remember: We work for God and His glory, not man’s. Easier said than done though, right?
What can we do about this loneliness? First, and most importantly, pray. After that, remember that children’s ministry is a gift. You are imparting God’s Word into the lives of children.
How to Avoid Feeling Alone in Children’s Ministry
Here are a few suggestions to help when you feel alone and need that extra push.
1. Create a “WIN” wall.
Take notes of each “win” you notice. Colorful index cards are good for this. With kids, it’s often in the little things. For example, after Bible class, a kindergartener ran up and asked if we’d be meeting again in a certain room that day. She was excited about our Bible Science night on Wednesday, ready to go again. This is a win!
Another recent win was when a fifth-grader asked if we could have a Bible movie night this summer before school starts again. She wanted to spend time watching a biblical movie with her church friends before moving to sixth grade.
Write down these wins on index cards and hang them where you see them daily. It’s encouraging when you see your work paying off. And imagine how encouraging it is to look back a year from now at all the wins you’ve had.
2. Enlist parental help.
Parents want to raise their kids to have a relationship with Christ but often just don’t know how. When they realize you’re their partner, not just another person occupying their child’s time for an hour a week, they appreciate you.
Let parents know what you do with their kids each week. Send out an email update each Monday that explains what you taught that week. Add the Scripture reference and a suggestion for a simple way they can reinforce this at home. Parents may not always do it, but they appreciate it.
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