As I said yesterday, there are ways we can keep from “blowing” our Children’s Ministry, so today let’s think about doing this by, “Stop Making Your Ministry ‘Attractive'”.When it comes to dating and marriage, a couple typically starts taking notice of one another, they make sure they are perfectly “groomed” and as “attractive” as possible, but as time goes on, they might begin to let things “slide”.
In Children’s Ministry it is pretty easy, over time, to just let things slide. This is definitely a way to “blow” our Children’s Ministry. So, to keep your ministry “attractive”, consider the following . . .
- Always pay attention to the way your Children’s Ministry rooms look – do they need a new coat of paint? Have they been getting completely cleaned each week? Is the “clutter” piling up?
- Keep a close eye on the shape of the toys in your nursery and early childhood rooms – are they on any re-call lists? Are there any rough or broken edges? Are they age-appropriate? Do they look, “ratty”?
- Do not lose focus on being sure the opportunities you offer are presented with the highest level of quality possible.
- Make sure you pay attention to if your curriculum is a good “fit” and if the songs you use are ones the children actually sing.
These are just a few really simple, but big, ways you can keep your ministry “attractive” and when you do this, you will not “blow” your Children’s Ministry!
So, what do you do if you have, “let things ‘slip'” and your ministry is no longer “attractive”? For a “do-over”, do NOT let anything “slide”! Go back and look your classrooms over – “head” to “toe” and take a serious look at your curriculum, music and the opportunities you offer to see if they are a good “fit”, or not!
The “bonus” if you do these things is you will find your Children’s Ministry is “attractive” and it is a place where parents want their children to be and one where children want to be as well!
What do you do to keep your Children’s Ministry “attractive”?
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