Why Humility is Essential for our Children’s Spiritual Growth


How can humility contribute to a child’s peace of mind and heart?

During this episode, Lee Ann explores the importance of instilling humility in our children’s hearts. In a world where self-centeredness and personal desires are constantly promoted, it is crucial to teach our children the value of humility and selflessness. Humility allows us to face adversity with peace in our minds and hearts. She also discusses how humility helps children handle bullies, both online and in the real world, by recognizing their worth in Christ and not allowing the opinions of others to define them.

Referencing the words of Jesus in Matthew 18, Lee Ann unravels the true meaning of becoming like children. Jesus calls us to abandon our desire for status and turn towards Him with childlike hearts. We must also be cautious not to cause others, especially our little ones, to stumble in their faith. She reminds us of the weighty consequences Jesus mentions for those who lead others astray. Humility prevents us from taking on a know-it-all attitude and instead encourages us to approach others with kindness, love, and teachability.

Lee Ann offers practical tips on how to teach our children humility, such as teaching them to share, encouraging them to show kindness, and role-playing different scenarios to help them navigate the challenges of humility with grace.

Key Takeaways:

  • Humility is essential for our children’s spiritual growth. It allows them to rely on Christ and find their security in Him, even in the face of adversity.
  • Jesus’s call to be like children does not imply innocence but rather an abandonment of status-seeking and a selfless attitude. By encouraging our children to take a humble position, we empower them to be great in the kingdom of heaven.
  • Cultivating humility in our children involves teaching them to be selfless, kind, and loving. Role-playing scenarios and discussing acts of kindness experienced during the day can further reinforce this important virtue.

Let’s strive to be like Christ, exemplifying humility just like Jesus, who forgave those who crucified Him. Let’s teach our children the power of forgiveness and the strength that comes from living a humble life!

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