Use this children’s Sunday school lesson to teach elementary-aged children on how they can be peacemakers and live in Jesus’ peace.
Circle of Love
You’ll need:
- construction paper (variety of colors)
- markers
- scissors
Instead of “he loves me, he loves me not” with a diminishing daisy, make construction paper daisies. For each child, write his or her first name in the middle, and sign your name on one of the petals. Help children write the names of people they’re at peace with on the other petals — Jesus, parents, grandparents, people at church, friends. Talk about ways people keep peace between themselves, such as solving disputes, talking instead of using violence, and serving one another.
Read aloud Romans 14:19. Ask:
- What things can we do to be at peace with the people whose names may not be on our daisies?
- What can we do to build up these people?
Form a circle and say a prayer thanking God for peace and asking him to help the children be at peace with everyone.
Alike and Different
Play a game where children find partners who have something in common with them — same color shoes, likes chocolate ice cream, has been to Disneyland, and so on. Have kids report the things they have in common.
Now have everyone find a partner who’s different in some way — a boy and a girl might pair up, or one child who likes spinach might join one who doesn’t. Have kids report the differences. Then have children find something in common with their current partners. Ask:
- What does peace feel like? look like?
Read aloud Romans 15:5-7. Ask:
- What do these verses have to do with peace?
- How easy or difficult is it to accept people who are different from us? like us?
- If people obeyed these verses, how would that help them be at peace with others?
Listen Up
Have each child tell a partner a story about a time he or she made peace during a conflict situation. Have the listening partners retell the stories to everyone, including as much detail as possible. Build understanding by asking the listener questions to get more information about the original teller. Help children understand that being a good listener is important to having peaceful relationships.
For another lesson on peace, check out “Children’s Message for All Ages: God Gives Us Peace.” Looking for more lesson ideas? Check out these posts!
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