Why Should I Invest in Generations Quest for My Family? One Final Answer . . .


For the past five days I’ve been writing about the reasons why investing in  Generations Quest  makes sense – today I’m sharing one more reason . . . because it is something simple you can do to be intentional about passing on your faith with any of your grandchildren, preschool through elementary no matter where they live.

Far too often we do not do anything to pass on our faith . . . or we do things in a hap-hazard way, but with Generations Quest  you will be provided the tools you need to be intentional and focused about passing on your faith to the children you love! You will find it is so much easier to stay in touch and to connect in truly meaningful ways with Generations Quest and you will find your grandchildren’s love for God’s Word and their own walk with God will grow deeper and deeper as you all read God’s Word each day!

So, why wouldn’t you spend the $15 it costs to connect your entire family by reading God’s Word each day? (Grandparents who invest with   Generations Quest are welcome and encouraged to share it with their children and grandchildren and Parents are welcome to share it with their children – making it an amazing buy and savings when grandparents invest in Generations Quest!) You will find the information you need to invest today at this link – get it today and get ready to begin on July 1st as your family learns together about God’s Word!


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