
No matter who you are, at some point in your life, you will find yourself seeking answers or advice, and you might turn to books during your search. Lucky for you, it’s easier now than ever to gain access to so many different books. If you prefer a physical book, you can find them for free or cheap online or at the library. If you prefer to listen to your books, most books are offered as audiobooks now. This list of Christian books for women is the perfect set of books to start with to work towards improving your life and deepening your faith. 

In this article, you will find Christian books for women on the following topics:

  • Self-Help Christian Books for Women
  • Bible Study Christian Books for Women

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17 Motivational Self-Help Christian Books for Women

Satisfied: Finding Hope, Joy, and Contentment Right Where You Are by Alyssa Joy Bethke

This book is an excellent resource for helping you to stop focusing on what you’re lacking in life and enjoying what you already have. The author touches on topics such as fear, worry, dissatisfaction, anxiety, and body image – all topics that women tend to struggle with. 

Authentically, Uniquely You: Living Free from Comparison and the Need to Please by Joyce Meyer

This book is wonderful for helping you find your individual purpose on this earth. God gave each of us divine gifts, making us unique and useful in our own ways. Break free from comparison and find happiness in your individuality. 

Stay: Discovering Grace, Freedom, and Wholeness Where You Never Imagined Looking by Anjuli Paschall

Stay is all about putting an end to your fear, guilt, and shame and developing a personal connection to God. God will help you stop running from your feelings and stay with Him. His grace is key to overcoming those negative feelings.

The Well-Watered Woman: Rooted in Truth, Growing in Grace, Flourishing in Faith by Gretchen Saffles 

Chaos is part of womanhood. But being rooted in faith can help us to calm the chaos and find peace. This book will help you go from building your self-worth from your own accomplishments, to building them from your relationship with God, and it will bring you peace like nothing else can. 

Her True Worth by Brittany Maher and Cassandra Speer

Her True Worth is perfect for the modern-day woman! The world as we know it makes us feel like our worth stems from worldly things. This book helps you to stop focusing on false identities and realize your worth through Christ.

Wife After God: Drawing Closer to God & Your Husband by Jennifer Smith and Aaron Smith

This book is designed for married women who are looking to deepen their relationship with God and their husbands. It’s a 30-day marriage devotional full of biblical advice and challenges that will improve your marriage with God at the center of it.

Healing the Soul of a Woman Study Guide: How to Overcome Your Emotional Wounds by Joyce Meyer

For any woman who has past hurts from relationships or other life circumstances, this book is a great resource for healing from lingering hurts and being able to move forward in your life. God can heal any pain we may have if we only allow Him to.

Forgiving What You Can’t Forget by Lysa TerKeurst

Forgiveness is one of the hardest yet most important things we must learn in this life. We can get stuck thinking that forgiveness is for the person who hurt us, but it is actually for us. Holding on to hurt and resentment is hard on us. This book can help you to embrace forgiveness and find happiness after being hurt. 

Bible Study Christian Books for Women

The Women of the Bible Speak by Shannon Bream 

Some people think that women play an insignificant role in the Bible, but this book proves that that’s not the case. This book focuses on 16 women in the Bible and all that they accomplished and impacted. 

When Women Pray by T.D. Jakes

Women have never played a bigger role in the world than they do today. We must never forget that we need God every hour, and that we can always reach Him through prayer for advice, revelation, and comfort. 

Mornings with God: Prayers and Devotions for Women by Emily Biggers

Finding the time to prioritize prayer, scripture, and reflection can be hard. This book will help you take a short time each morning to focus on God and start your day off right.

Trust: A Godly Woman’s Adornment by Lydia Brownback 

This pocket-sized book is the perfect carry-around resource to go to when you’re feeling anxious or worried. With all of the hate, crime, and other scary things going on in the world, we need constant reassurance that God will provide if we only trust in Him. 

The Esther Anointing: Becoming a Woman of Prayer, Courage, and Influence by Michelle McClain-Walters

This book focuses on one influential woman from the Bible – Esther. This book shows how God can use anyone to create change in the world, and just how much one person is capable of doing. 

Prayer Journal for Women by Shannon Roberts and Paige Tate & Co

This is a journal that will help you focus on and deepen your relationship with God and Jesus Christ. With scripture, questions to reflect on, and space to journal, this is the perfect place to grow your knowledge and your faith in the scriptures. 

Jesus and Women by Kristi McLelland 

With a focus on the women who were directly impacted by Jesus, this book will help you relate to and understand how Jesus affects you in your life, and how you can rely on Him for healing, strength, faith, and much more!

199 Favorite Bible Verses for Women by Christian Art Gifts

Sometimes, all it takes is a Bible verse to speak to us in a way that can alter our lives forever. The written word of God is a resource that we all need to get through the trials of life. This book is filled with Bible verses that directly relate to and help women. 

Strength in the Struggle: A Bible Study Workbook for Women by Lauren Ibach

If we rely on Christ, we can overcome any obstacle. Gaining our strength through him will make us stronger than we ever thought possible. He has overcome the world, and we can too if we keep our faith in Him.

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Final Thoughts On These Christian Books for Women

We hope you get the chance to read these wonderful books for Christian women. They are sure to help you stay strong in your faith in God and Jesus Christ and live the best life you can. If you know of any other books or resources that Christian women could benefit from, we would love it if you could comment below so we can share them with our readers!


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