10+ Simple Tips to Help You When Teaching Your Children How to Pray


US News stated that fewer than half of American adults pray daily. And research says that only 69% of Christians pray weekly…

Our top priority should be that our children learn how to speak to God all the time, every day, and as often as possible. And sometimes, it’s hard to remember to pray before something as we all have busy lives, and seeking God can become an afterthought. However, children can learn and remember to worship and seek God by seeing us pray – asking Jesus for forgiveness, thanking Him for our family and friends, and reading the Bible. Even the disciples asked Jesus how to pray!

During this first part of the two-part episode series about teaching children how to pray, Lee Ann elaborates on the following tips:

  • Pause, ponder, and pray – pause when something happens, ponder/think about it, then seek God.
  • Share an example of how you went ahead and did something without seeking God’s guidance and how that turned out versus the times you did seek him for guidance or help beforehand.
  • Help your child memorize the Lord’s prayer – perhaps after family devotional time, you can end with the Lord’s prayer.
  • Ask your child what they think worship time should sound and look like. For example, do they like to talk to God out loud or quietly? Encourage them to speak to God in a way that pleases them, and don’t try to correct them.
  • Let them see and hear that you have a robust prayer life.
  • Write down how many times you spoke with God and what those prayers were about, so your children can learn to do the same.
  • Teach them how to sit quietly and listen for God to speak to them through his Holy Spirit.
  • Never compromise set prayer times to accommodate outside activities – they must see you making it the ultimate priority.
  • Let your children hear you say intercessory, praise, and confession prayers, and listen to you pray for the family, our country, and our leaders.
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