Published: October 4, 2023
Use this free download to create adorable monsters that help kids fight their fears.
You’ll need:
To help kids understand the project you’re creating, make sure you have a sample monster completed beforehand.
Free Download: Help Empower Kids to Fight Their Fears
Say: Sometimes things in life can be scary. Invite children to share their fears. Distribute the Scary Figures. Show your premade monster.
Say: Let’s pretend these are our fears. Choose one thing you’re most afraid of and color your monster to show what you think it’d look like if it was a monster.
Have kids follow the directions on the page to assemble the monster. Let kids show off their monsters. Then have them each write Psalm 27:1 on a leftover scrap and cut it into a slip of paper they can tape around the body of the monster.
Say: Whenever you’re afraid, look at the verse around your monster. Remember that God’s always with you and always protects you. These monsters—wrapped in God’s Word—can help you fight your fear.
You can find even more amazing, Bible-based craft ideas in Group’s Encyclopedia of Bible Crafts for Children!
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