Elementary Devotion: St. Patrick’s Shamrock


In this elementary devotion, kids will learn how St. Patrick used a shamrock to teach about the Trinity.

Scripture: Romans 8:15; John 3:16; John 20:21-22

You’ll need:

  • Bible
  • 3 heart stickers per person
  • picture of a shamrock

The Story of St. Patrick

Say: I’d like to tell you about a boy named Patrick. He was born in Great Britain, and his dad and grandfather both worked in a church. When Patrick was about 16, pirates captured him! The pirates took him to Ireland and sold him. Captured by pirates and enslaved—can you imagine? I’m guessing that Patrick’s life didn’t turn out the way he’d planned.


  • Tell us about a time things didn’t go the way you’d planned?

Say: After six years, Patrick escaped and decided he’d follow God. During the six years he’d been enslaved, Patrick never lost faith. In fact, he prayed every day.


  • What do you pray about every day?

Say: Even though his entire life changed, Patrick wasn’t angry or hateful toward the people of Ireland. Instead, he wanted to teach them about God! Legend has it that one clever way he did that was by using things they were familiar with. Patrick wanted people to understand how God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are one.

The Significance of the Shamrock

Hold up a picture of a shamrock. Explain that a shamrock in Ireland would be as common as a blade of grass to us.

Read aloud Romans 8:15. Hand each child a heart sticker, and have kids place the sticker on the back of their hands. Explain that this sticker represents God, our Father.

Read aloud John 3:16. Hand each child a second heart sticker, and have kids place the second sticker next to the first one so the points of the hearts touch. Explain that the second sticker represents Jesus—God’s incredible Son who came to earth to die for our sins.

Read aloud John 20:21-22. Hand each child a third sticker, and have kids place that sticker on the back of their hands so the points of all three stickers touch, creating a shamrock shape. Explain that the last sticker represents the Holy Spirit—the helper God gives to guide us.

Say: The shape on your hand is a lot like a shamrock—a plant people in Ireland see all the time!


  • What other things in nature remind you of God?

Say: Patrick helped people understand God’s great love and power through a simple plant. He helped them understand the Trinity. Point to the parts of a heart shamrock on kids’ hands. This represents God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Now every time you see a shamrock, you can be like Patrick and help people know more about God.

For more children’s messages, check out The Giant Book of Children’s Messages. You can also check out these posts!

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