A Prayer to Find Eternal Meaning – Your Daily Prayer


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A Prayer to Find Eternal Meaning
By Ashley Moore

“What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” Ecclesiastes 1:9 NIV

It was another long day; I stayed constantly busy but couldn’t exactly tell you what I’d done all day. Have you ever had a day like that? You put your head on the pillow, utterly exhausted, but didn’t check one thing off your chore list? Your body aches, yet, you didn’t get to that workout, the yard work went undone, and you didn’t come close to hitting your daily steps. Your mind refuses to turn off because even though you put in a full day’s work, making sure the kids did their homework and prepped for the event this weekend, you still have a laundry list of things to do. 

Life is so busy, isn’t it? It doesn’t matter your season; there will always be things to do. And yes, we make various choices to make our already overflowing calendars bleed with get-togethers, dates, and events, but life’s day-to-day can be overwhelming. Many people think the book of Ecclesiastes is depressing, the “Debbie- downer” of the Bible. But, when we filter these ancient words of wisdom through the correct biblical lens, the message is really one of hope and encouragement. 

As a society, we have transitioned from working to live to living to work in many areas of our lives. We can get so quickly wrapped up in everything it takes to live in this world, placing too much value on what we do, accomplish, or achieve. It’s not enough to simply exist; we must chase the mighty dollar, run the rat race, and look like a cover model while doing it all. No wonder we are exhausted; if we constantly pour our energy into things that have no eternal significance, no matter how much we do or have, it will never be enough. Alllow the words of Ecclesiastes 1:9 to give you comfort, 

What has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.”

The fate of the world doesn’t depend on what you do! What happened yesterday, last month, or a hundred years ago will ultimately occur again. That’s not disheartening; that’s uplifting! The dishes will always need to be done, bellies are in constant need of food, and the grass will continue to grow; your chore list will never be completed—and that doesn’t make you a failure. Let us pursue lives that have eternal meaning in whatever we do! 

Let’s Pray:
Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us these wise words from Solomon; we are grateful for the opportunity to read and study the Scriptures. Help us shift from an earthly perspective to an eternal mindset, realizing that only the things of You will last forever. Guide as we make decisions, and above all, hide the words of Colossians 3:23-24 in our hearts. Let whatever work we do be for the Lord since we know our inheritance is from You. You are who we are serving. Let us do it wholeheartedly.

Like your servant Solomon, we humbly ask for wisdom and discernment as we seek to be lights in this dark world. We pray for those who don’t know You as Lord and Savior and desire to receive Your Truth. We also pray for those who have lost their way, choosing to follow the prince of this world. May we live in a way that will lead them back to You. Thank you, Lord. We love you. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Brian A. Jackson

Ashley MooreAshley Moore is a writer and host of be the two™podcast. She is known for her relatability and for passionately writing and speaking about mental, emotional, and relational health from a biblical worldview. She has written for Kingdom Edge MagazineGuidepostsCrosswalkThe Secret PlaceenLIVEnThe Bubbling Brook and more. If Ashley isn’t writing, you can find her with her husband, three children, and two floppy-eared Goldens on their south Georgia farmland. The best way to connect with Ashley is to grab a free devotional or Bible study and join her newsletter at free.ashleynicolemoore.com.

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