Millennial parents and young families are causing a paradigm shift in churches and children’s ministry. Until now, the church attracted generations of families based on tradition. So they just stuck with it.
A common bond always tied families to the church. Bonds included the community, similar jobs and economic status, a common race, and familial relations. Although these identifiers aren’t bad, they can be isolating.
Paul makes it clear in Ephesians 4:1-6 that church unity isn’t to be based on personal similarities. Rather, the foundation is our one God and his one work of salvation. That common bond should unite us with other believers. Unfortunately, we’ve allowed insignificant differences to separate us.
One major issue facing the local church is a lack of young families. Millennial parents and their children are more culturally diverse than previous generations. Although young families may seem minor right now, in the next 10 to 15 years they’ll be a force like no other. So why should we concern ourselves with them now? Simply put: If we don’t adjust our ministry methods, we’ll lose these next-gen families.
Lifeway Research found that many young adults leave the church because they don’t find it relevant. That trend can’t continue!
The good news is that church leaders can slow this decline. Use these tips to reach millennial parents and develop them into kingdom builders.
7 Ways to Connect With Millennial Parents
1. Develop new forms.
For the overall direction of the church, two areas are key: form and function. The church’s essential function must encompass at least two tasks. The first is to glorify God. The second is to fulfill the Great Commission.
These two things take place in a variety of ways; that’s “form.” We always must carry out the “function” of the church. But the “form” in which we accomplish that can be extremely diverse.
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