Not everything in children’s ministry is self-evident. Some things that seem true or effective can produce substandard results.
Want to make the most of your efforts and, most importantly, maximize your program’s results? Then follow these best practices for children’s ministry. Be sure to share them with kidmin volunteers, too!
10 Key Children’s Ministry Insights
Remember and apply this advice in your church’s children’s ministry program.
1. The way you carry yourself makes a difference.
Remember: You’re an adult, not a big kid. If you conduct yourself like a big kid, don’t be surprised when no one respects your ministry. Act like you believe in what you’re doing.
2. Team-building happens best by direct recruiting.
General announcements in the bulletin or from the pulpit seldom recruit workers. You must flush out talented and committed people. Then go after them persistently.
3. Resourcefulness can backfire.
One big problem in children’s ministry is that kids pastors get so effective at being resourceful that they stop asking for what they need. They stop expecting quality resources and equipment. Ask boldly for what you need, but stay classy if/when you get turned down.
4. Children would rather do something than watch something.
Kids are wired to do stuff. They crave involvement.
5. Kids learn best by doing.
Games are a rich interactive experience. They teach and engage. They’re fun. As a teaching tool, games are hard to beat. Videos aren’t as effective. They sometimes keep kids quiet but tend to cause them to zone out.
6. Failure is essential.
Embrace failure. To be innovative and creative, you must try things. Some things will fail. Don’t sweat it. The most creative people are usually the ones who try a lot of stuff and can easily brush off failure.
7. Big truths are more vital than small values.
The biggest tragedy in children’s ministry today is the dumbing down of God’s Word. Allow kids to grow into big truths from the Bible. That will take them further than little tips on living right.
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